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Reports & Newsletters

As part of our Land-Based Healing | Nature for Healing program, we will be publishing a variety of reports and publications. Our hope is that these documents will provide more information about the work that we are doing and can be used as a guide to help other hospitals implement similar programs. 


We are thrilled to bring you the first issue of our monthly newsletter. The Land Based Healing | Nature for Healing program has rapidly expanded in many directions due to the overwhelming support and interest of our varied team members and community collaborators. Through our seasonal newsletter, we will highlight information that may be helpful for prescribers, useful resources, celebrate accomplishments of the team, highlight new aspects of the program, describe different research endeavors, and spotlight different team members and community partnerships. If you would like to be involved, or have an important story to tell or images to share, please reach out to the team!

Stay in the loop!

Imaginarium Report

​As the program grows within the hospital, connections from the community, child health, as well as the environmental and the research community at Western University have also developed. On November 3, 2023, we partnered with Western University Professor, Dr. Lesley Gittings, and hosted a co-creation convening with over 40 participants. At this convening, an Imaginarium for Land Based Healing | Nature For Healing, we discussed how we could work together to support child and youth health and wellbeing. Participants included representatives from the Youth Advisory Council (we held a pre-convening meeting to involve more voices, with representatives at the Imaginarium), patients and families, clinicians from Children’s Hospital, the City of London, Western Sustainability, Western University researchers, community organizations, environmental- and child health non-governmental organizations.
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